Pond skaters : An insect which feeds on other insects.
Herbivores : Animals that depend only on plants for food.
Carnivores : Animals that depend on other animals for food.
Omnivores : Animals that take food from plants and animals.
Natural scavengers : Crows usually eat waste and rotten food material, dead animals etc, in this manner they keep our surrounding clean so they got the name as natural scavengers.
Rumination : Animals like Cow, buffalo, camel etc.. Chew food very quickly and swallow and store it in a part of their stomach, after some time they take food material back from the stomach to the mouth and chew it again, this process is called "Rumination".
Transparent : The materials through which we can easily see the objects.
Example :- Glass
Opaque : The materials through which we cannot see the objects.
Example :- Wood
Translucent : The materials through which we can see objects, but not very clearly.
Example :- Oily paper
How salt is formed? : Sea water is captured in wide pans and is exposed to air and sunlight, then water evaporates and the salt is left behind in the pans.
Droughts : If there is no rain for a long period i.e., 3 to 4 years, it is very difficult to get food and fodder, drinking water is scarce, and this period is called "Drought".
Rainbow : When sunlight is intercepted by a drop of water in the atmosphere it gives "RAINBOW".
Shadows : These are formed when opaque objects obstruct the path of light.
Photosynthesis : By using carbon dioxide, green colour substance in the leaves called 'Starch'. And sunlight plants prepare their own food, this process is called "Photosynthesis".
Oviparous : Birds are animals that lay eggs for giving birth to young one are known as 'OVIPAROUS'.
Viviparous : Animals which give birth to young ones without laying eggs are known as 'VIVIPAROUS'.
Nocturnals : Some animals search for their food only at night, during daytime they hide in dark places, these type of animals are called 'Nocturnals'.
Example :- Cockroaches, owls, rats and lizards etc.
Producers : Several plants, algae etc use sunlight to make their food those are called producers.
Consumers : Animals that eat other living things and get their energy from them are called Consumers.
Decomposers : Organisms which feed on wastes, derbis of plants animals or on their remains after they die are called 'Decomposers'.
Flora : These are mainly trees that show much species diversity and greates degree of stratification.
Fauna : It includes Herbivores (Ants, flies, spiders and bugs etc), larger animals grazing on fruits of trees (elephants, shrews, mongooses, flying foxes etc), Carnivores (snacks, birds, fox, lizards etc), topcarnivores (lion, Tiger etc) that lives in forest.