Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Do you know by which bone our ears are made of?


     Ear helps in maintaining the equilibrium of our body. Internal structure and parts of the Ear is as given below
Sense organs EAR

(A) External Ear
1) Outer Ear (or) Pinna
2) Ear canal (or) Auditory meatus

(B) Middle Ear
1) Tympanic membrane
2) Tympanic cavity
3) Malleus
4) Incus
5) Stapes

(C) Internal Ear
1) Vestibule
2) Semicircular canals
3) Cochlea
4) Vestibular nerve
5) Cochlear nerve
6) Eustacian tube
7) Ear Ossicles

(A) External EAR :-
- It is the visible part of the ear on either side of our head.
- Outer ear or pinna is a flap like structure which leads to the ear canal.
- Pinna is crumpled and made up of cartilage. It has ceruminous and sebaceous glands they prevent the dust and other particles from entering into the ear canal and helps to keep the ear canal lubricated.
- Ear canal is also called as Auditory meatus at the end of this a thin layer called tympanum or ear drum is present.
- Ear drum is present between the external and middle ear, it is in the shape of a cone.
- Narrow area of the eardrum connects to the first bone maleus of the middle ear.

(B) Middle EAR :-
- It helps in amplifying the vibrations received on the tympanum membrane.
- Three bones called mallets, incus and stapes helps to do the same.
- End of the middle EAR is covered by a membrane called oval window which opens in to the inner ear through round window.

(C) Internal EAR :-
- It consists of bone labyrinth enclosing the membranous labyrinth.
- Membranous labyrinth consists of
a) Vestibule
b) Three semicircular canals
c) Cochlea

Functions of the EAR :
I. Helps to maintain balance or equilibrium of the body.
II. It helps to collect the sand vibrations and transform them nerve impulses which is to be carried to the brain for processing.

 Diseases the EAR :-
- Due to bacterial and fungal infections common EAR diseases like for motion of pus, injection of ear drum etc.. Maybe caused.

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