- In our daily life we need mainly air, food, shelter and clothes along with that we should have RED, here it doesn't represent the colour but it means- R for REST
- D for DIET
1. R for REST :-
Now-a-days every one is busy with their life's mainly with the mobiles which are the main reason of breaking our rest, to distract our minds and to waste time on browsing. Due to this peace of mind is lost, so we need to have physical resting and mental resting. Mainly 6 to 7 hours rest is necessary and shouldn't be greater than that.2. E for EXERCISE :-
In our day to day life exercise plays main role because it helps us to burn our calories, exercises are of two types* PHYSICAL EXERCISE : Includes suryanamaskara, jogging, walking, skipping, yoga etc.
* MENTAL EXERCISE : Playing puzzles (Brain gym), chess etc
3. D for DIET :-
Many of people may think that eating food at the right time is good for health inspite of right food, but do you think that you are having a right food at the right time.... Which in scene having oily food in dinner is not the right food at night, so we need to eat right food at the right time. To be healthy maintain the diet according to the time.