STRUCTURE OF THE TONGUE:- Tongue is made up of voluntary muscles, it contains about 10 thousand taste buds which are located in the walls of papillae.
- Taste is also a sense like that of smell based on identifying chemicals in food and the texture of it.
- Senses of taste and smell have a close and cooperative working relationship.
- Some flavours really come from odour. Example:- Taste of an onion is odour not flavour.
- When you have a cold, food seems tasteless because your nasal passages are blocked.
- Our sense of taste (or) gustation, involves 4 qualities - sweet, bitter, sour and salty.
- Fifth taste is Umami (savoury flavour) found in protein rich foods such as meat, seafood and cheese.
- Each taste bud has a cavity with a pore called taste pore.
- Epithelial cells, surrounding the taste buds form taste receptor cells.
- These are located in the taste buds on the top and side of the tongue, sample flavours from food and drink as they pass on the way to stomach.
- These receptors cluster in small mucous membrane projections called "papillae", each papillae is of a particular shape.
- FILIFORM PAPILLAE: These are flap like structures, these are not the site of taste sensation because taste buds are not present on this papillae.
- FUNGIFORM PAPILLAE: These are roundish structures on our tongue and have taste buds.
- CIRCUMVALLATE PAPILLAE: These are large roundish structures at the back of the tongue and have taste buds.
- FOLIATE PAPILLAE: These are bump like structures present at the sides of the tongue and can sense the taste.
- Each receptor cell connects to a nerve fibre.
- All the nerve fibres connect to main nerves that carry messages to the brain and spinal cord for further processing.
- Agglutination specialized nerve "hot line" carries taste messages to the specialized regions of the brain.
- Infants have heightened taste sensitivity that is why babies try to sense everything by taste.
- As age increases this super sensitivity decreases that is the reason why many elderly people complain that food has lost its taste.