Sunday, 7 January 2018



# There are 206 bones in our body.
# The longest bone in our body is the  Femur.
# Bones move with the help of muscles.
# The place where two bones meet is called a joint.
# Skeleton gives shape and support to our body.
# Bones are made of calcium and phosphorus.
# The joint between two vertebrae of the back bone is called the Gliding joint.
# Pivot joint is the joint between the head and the neck.
# The smallest bone is stirrup bone which is present in our middle ear.
# The joint between the upper arm and lower arm is called the Hinge joint.
# The joint in between the upper arm bone and shoulder bone is called Ball and Socket.
# Integumentary system consists of skin, nails and hair covering the body. 

Friday, 3 November 2017

Did you know? (SCIENCE)

Pond skaters : An insect which feeds on other insects.

Herbivores :  Animals that depend only on plants for food.

Carnivores :  Animals that depend on other animals for food.

Omnivores :  Animals that take food from plants and animals.

Natural scavengers :  Crows usually eat waste and rotten food material, dead animals etc, in this manner they keep our surrounding clean so they got the name as natural scavengers.

Rumination :  Animals like Cow, buffalo, camel etc.. Chew food very quickly and swallow and store it in a part of their stomach, after some time they take food material back from the stomach to the mouth and chew it again, this process is called "Rumination".

Transparent :  The materials through which we can easily see the objects.
Example :-  Glass

Opaque :  The materials through which we cannot see the objects.
Example :-  Wood

Translucent :  The materials through which we can see objects, but not very clearly.
Example :-  Oily paper

How salt is formed? :  Sea water is captured in wide pans and is exposed to air and sunlight, then water evaporates and the salt is left behind in the pans.

Droughts :  If there is no rain for a long period i.e., 3 to 4 years, it is very difficult to get food and fodder, drinking water is scarce, and this period is called "Drought".

Rainbow :  When sunlight is intercepted by a drop of water in the atmosphere it gives "RAINBOW".

Shadows :  These are formed when opaque objects obstruct the path of light.

Photosynthesis :  By using carbon dioxide, green colour substance in the leaves called 'Starch'.  And sunlight plants prepare their own food, this process is called "Photosynthesis".

Oviparous :  Birds are animals that lay eggs for giving birth to young one are known as 'OVIPAROUS'.

Viviparous :  Animals which give birth to young ones without laying eggs are known as 'VIVIPAROUS'.

Nocturnals :  Some animals search for their food only at night, during daytime they hide in dark places, these type of animals are called 'Nocturnals'.
Example :-  Cockroaches, owls, rats and lizards etc.

Producers :  Several plants, algae etc use sunlight to make their food those are called producers.

Consumers :  Animals that eat other living things and get their energy from them are called Consumers.

Decomposers :  Organisms which feed on wastes, derbis of plants animals or on their remains after they die are called 'Decomposers'.

Flora :  These are mainly trees that show much species diversity and greates degree of stratification.

Fauna :  It includes Herbivores (Ants, flies, spiders and bugs etc), larger animals grazing on fruits of trees (elephants, shrews, mongooses, flying foxes etc), Carnivores (snacks, birds, fox, lizards etc), topcarnivores (lion, Tiger etc) that lives in forest.

Monday, 30 October 2017

Every person needs to know about RED


- In our daily life we need mainly air, food, shelter and clothes along with that we should have RED, here it doesn't represent the colour but it means
- R for REST
- D for DIET

1. R for REST :-

    Now-a-days every one is busy with their life's mainly with the mobiles which are the main reason of breaking our rest, to distract our minds and to waste time on browsing. Due to this peace of mind is lost, so we need to have physical resting and mental resting. Mainly 6 to 7 hours rest is necessary and shouldn't be greater than that.

2. E for EXERCISE :-

    In our day to day life exercise plays main role because it  helps us to burn our calories, exercises are of two types
* PHYSICAL EXERCISE : Includes suryanamaskara, jogging, walking, skipping, yoga etc.
* MENTAL EXERCISE : Playing puzzles (Brain gym), chess etc

3. D for DIET  :-
    Many of people may think that eating food at the right time is good for health inspite of right food, but do you think that you are having a  right food at the right time.... Which in scene having oily food in dinner is not the right food at night, so we need to eat right food at the right time. To be healthy maintain the diet according to the time.

       BREAKFAST  @  8am - 9am

       SNACK (FRUITS) @ 11am

       LUNCH  @ 12.30pm

       SNACK (SALAD)  @ 4pm

       DINNER @ BEFORE 7pm

      Not to eat fruits at night and minimum 3 litres of water should be taken before last meal.

Sunday, 1 October 2017


HIV/AIDS Cannot's:

- You cannot get the HIV/AIDS by drinking water from the glass of some one who is infected. 
- You cannot get the HIV/AIDS by hugging someone who is HIV+
- You can get HIV/AIDS by having sex with some one who is HIV+
- You can get HIV/AIDS by blood transfusion from the person having HIV+
- You can get HIV/AIDS if you share a needle to inject drugs with someone who is injected. 
     So don't have a sex before marriage even sex that is supposed to be protected. 


Thursday, 21 September 2017

With what our tongue is made of?



Science and Health

  • Tongue is made up of voluntary muscles, it contains about 10 thousand taste buds which are located in the walls of papillae. 

  • Taste is also a sense like that of smell based on identifying chemicals in food and the texture of it. 
  • Senses of taste and smell have a close and cooperative working relationship. 
  • Some  flavours really come from odour. Example:- Taste of an onion is odour not flavour.  
  • When you have a  cold, food seems tasteless because your nasal passages are blocked. 
  • Our sense of taste (or) gustation, involves 4 qualities - sweet, bitter, sour and salty. 
  • Fifth taste is Umami (savoury flavour) found in protein rich foods such as meat, seafood and cheese. 

  • Each taste bud has a cavity with a pore called taste pore. 
  • Epithelial cells, surrounding the taste buds form taste receptor cells. 


  • These are located in the taste buds on the top and side of the tongue, sample flavours from food and drink as they pass on the way to stomach. 
  • These receptors cluster in small mucous membrane projections called "papillae", each papillae is of a particular shape. 

  1. FILIFORM PAPILLAE: These are flap like structures, these are not the site of taste sensation because taste buds are not present on this papillae. 
  2. FUNGIFORM PAPILLAE: These are roundish structures on our tongue and have taste buds. 
  3. CIRCUMVALLATE PAPILLAE: These are large roundish structures at the back of the tongue and have taste buds. 
  4. FOLIATE PAPILLAE: These are bump like structures present at the sides of the tongue and can sense the taste. 

  • Each receptor cell connects to a nerve fibre. 
  • All the nerve fibres connect to main nerves that carry messages to the brain and spinal cord for further processing. 
  • Agglutination specialized nerve "hot line"  carries taste messages to the specialized regions of the brain. 


  • Infants  have heightened taste sensitivity that is why babies try to sense everything by taste. 
  • As age increases this super sensitivity decreases that is the reason why many elderly people complain that food has lost its taste. 

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Do you know by which bone our ears are made of?


     Ear helps in maintaining the equilibrium of our body. Internal structure and parts of the Ear is as given below
Sense organs EAR

(A) External Ear
1) Outer Ear (or) Pinna
2) Ear canal (or) Auditory meatus

(B) Middle Ear
1) Tympanic membrane
2) Tympanic cavity
3) Malleus
4) Incus
5) Stapes

(C) Internal Ear
1) Vestibule
2) Semicircular canals
3) Cochlea
4) Vestibular nerve
5) Cochlear nerve
6) Eustacian tube
7) Ear Ossicles

(A) External EAR :-
- It is the visible part of the ear on either side of our head.
- Outer ear or pinna is a flap like structure which leads to the ear canal.
- Pinna is crumpled and made up of cartilage. It has ceruminous and sebaceous glands they prevent the dust and other particles from entering into the ear canal and helps to keep the ear canal lubricated.
- Ear canal is also called as Auditory meatus at the end of this a thin layer called tympanum or ear drum is present.
- Ear drum is present between the external and middle ear, it is in the shape of a cone.
- Narrow area of the eardrum connects to the first bone maleus of the middle ear.

(B) Middle EAR :-
- It helps in amplifying the vibrations received on the tympanum membrane.
- Three bones called mallets, incus and stapes helps to do the same.
- End of the middle EAR is covered by a membrane called oval window which opens in to the inner ear through round window.

(C) Internal EAR :-
- It consists of bone labyrinth enclosing the membranous labyrinth.
- Membranous labyrinth consists of
a) Vestibule
b) Three semicircular canals
c) Cochlea

Functions of the EAR :
I. Helps to maintain balance or equilibrium of the body.
II. It helps to collect the sand vibrations and transform them nerve impulses which is to be carried to the brain for processing.

 Diseases the EAR :-
- Due to bacterial and fungal infections common EAR diseases like for motion of pus, injection of ear drum etc.. Maybe caused.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Healthy diet

Health is Wealth 

Health diet

INGREDIENTS : Some spinach leaves
                             Carrot - 1
                             Green apple - 1
                             Pineapple - half cup pieces
Health tips
Science and Health

PREPARATION : Cut all the above ingredients in to pieces and blend them as a juice. Have 1 glass of juice in every day morning for good health.


BODY FACTS : # There are 206 bones in our body. # The longest bone in our body is the  Femur. # Bones move with the help of muscles. #...